Sunday, November 21, 2010


That was an unbelievable experience! I can’t believe that I finished the race! I was loving (almost) every minute of the race! The number of people out to watch the race was awesome! The “tunnel” on Chestnut Street was unreal. During the half-marathon there were very few spots that were empty. 

My nerves were getting to me beginning last night. I went to sleep early but woke up in the middle of the night and had a hard time going back to sleep. I was very paranoid about oversleeping.  We got to the start and met up with my friend Sarah, who ran her first full marathon.  It was COLD! We both huddled and were trying to stay warm. The Rocky Theme that they played at the beginning did pump us up enough to forget about how cold it was! I didn’t realize how cold it was until I started and my toes were a bit tingly!

I started off strong, maybe too strong. I was checking my pace on my Nike+ sensor.  I slowed down at times and was forced to slow down due to people traffic.  We winded down ben franklin parkway and down Arch street, making our way to Columbus Boulevard.  This began my unknown territory. We went down to Washington Avenue, turned up to Front street, over to South Street and up to 6th street where Rob and Jennie were waiting for me! What a boost!

We turned on 6th where another boost to see Dave and family, even though they didn’t see me! I was on the wrong side…I should have written down where they would be! We turned up Chestnut street where Allison was waiting for me at Chestnut and Broad.  After that, my water boy, Nick, with his “cat in the hat” Ireland hat! It was great, I couldn’t miss a 6 foot 3 cat in the hat! The water exchange went smoothly (another point of anxiety pre-race).  Then came the difficult part.

I have noticed with my long runs that after 6-7 miles I feel good, really good.  Thinking about it, during this training program 6 miles was my “base run”.  I did a 6 mile run at least 2 times a week.  Well after seeing my water boy, we hit the hard part! Chestnut up to 34th street.  2 hills there that were tough! Then we hit 34th street, over by the zoo and into the park.  OMG! Coming from 34th on market I was ok, I slowed down and walked a wee bit.  Passed the zoo, and then the 10 hour hill appeared.  That hill after mile 9, yes after 9 miles of running they expect you to go up a hill that literally lasted 10 hours! It was CRAZY! I walked up half it. 

With what little I had left, we made our way past the please touch museum and went down to west river drive.  It was back to the Art Museum.  I gave it all I had but looking back at a video that Nick took of me at the end, yeah I wasn’t going THAT fast. Haha! I remember that last half mile I was gasping for air from running and from crying! I couldn’t believe that I was actually there finishing the half marathon! I couldn’t believe I actually did it.  It was a long journey.  5 days a week for 12 weeks.  I dedicated a lot of time to do this. I went running even when I didn’t want to do it or doubted I could do it (with a lot of help from my biggest fan/water boy/honey).  I pushed through a lot of negative talk in my own head doubting that I could do it!

People have been saying to me all day “you are an inspiration”. I hope I am because trust me everyone out there, if I can do this, you can too!!! I didn’t do anything special, I just stuck with it. Like I said before in my first post, I hate running before but I have tried it again. I now love it, hills and all!

What next people ask? I picked up my number on Friday and the woman was asking me if I was doing the full marathon next year.  Dave is already planning my training regimen. I don’t know what is next but I will take the time to bask in the afterglow of accomplishing this goal. 

I have to take a moment to thank everyone along the way, everyone who read this thing, everyone who left comments and everyone who kept on asking and rooting for me during the training program, way too many people to name here.  I would like to thank everyone who was there today, Rob, Jennie, Dave, Tobey, Maya, Jon, Merle, Allison, Arian, JLO, Bec. Thank you Sarah for moral support and support going through this process together! Chatting and talking about this training was so helpful! and Special thanks to my honey Nick for making me run when I didn't want to, for believing in me the whole time and for being my biggest fan and hottest waterboy! I love you! 

So for those counting at home. This week I did 21.1 miles, that is including the race.

My time for the race, a personal record in the half-marathon (the best part of doing a distance for the first time): 2:08:14

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Less than 24 hours away

I picked up my bib and picked out the running outfit…wow. There is no turning back now.

Yesterday when I saw the big sign on the convention center, the health expo to pick up my bib, I must say, there was a little butterfly in my stomach.  It was finally here.  As I went to pick up my number, I began to be more and more nervous….and I wasn’t running a full marathon! I picked up my bib, my bag and my shirt.  The ever important shirt!

I went to the service area to change my time.  When I signed up they ask you to estimate your time to complete it.  At that time, I was probably doing a 2 hour and half pace, so I decided to see if I can get to 2 hour and 15 minute.  But as my training has been preparing me, I am not close to the 2 hour mark! I met up with my friend Sarah who is running a full marathon tomorrow and we began walking around the expo and discussing tomorrow.  As we planned and talked about tomorrow, I began becoming more and more confident in my ability to do this. 

I can’t believe that after 12 weeks of training, it is finally here.  I am excited about the race and still a bit nervous. I am going to get through this race for sure, I just want nothing to go wrong. I just want everything to go smoothly. Either way, it will be a crisp morning and I will be running 13.1 miles….amazing.

The forecast for the race is as follows:
7 AM (beginning of the race): sunny 37 degrees
8 AM: sunny 39 degrees
9 AM: (end of my race): sunny 42 degrees
10 AM: sunny 45 degrees
11 AM (end of Sarah’s race): 47 degrees

Sunday, November 14, 2010

OMG….one week away!

I am both excited and nervous at the same time about this race.  I am excited to finally put these 12 weeks of training into action.  Last week I ran 12 miles and today I ran 12.5.  physically I know that I can do it, which is a pretty cool feeling, I must say.  I am excited that I now say things “oh, it’s ONLY a 6 mile run”.  I am excited that despite this training program being really hard, I STILL love to run. 

I am nervous as well about it.  I am nervous about oversleeping (it just happened on Amazing Race! It can happen to me!).  I am nervous about handing off water bottles and getting the water bottles from Nick at mile 6! I am nervous about not finishing!

I have already checked the weather (hourly just in case it changes) and it is looking sunny and the low for the day is 38 degrees.  Perfect morning to run say….13.1 miles maybe? Haha….we shall see.

Last week, I did not post. Sorry about that! I ran 29 miles last week and this week I did 30 miles. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 9

It’s November! The big day is getting very close…very very close. 

How do I know this? Well, it is officially November 1st so that is making us 20 days away from the big day! I also know this because this week I ran 11 miles for my long run.  I also know that it is coming because more and more people are asking me if I am ready for the race.

It is officially November as of today.  Other than the other most important day of this month (TOMORROW TUESDAY NOVEMBER 2ND GO VOTE!!!!) November 21st is really getting close.  The days are dwindling between today and race day. I am excited and very nervous at the same time.

I also know that race day is close because my long runs are getting longer.  If I sit here and think about running 13.1 miles I will not want to get up off this comfy couch! I know this because for the past 2 weeks when I thought about the increasingly longer long runs I freak out. I don’t think I can do it and I consistently doubt my ability to do it.  This could be considered as an important part of my training program, the mental training of my program.  I believe that running races like this is a lot of mental work.  Physically I can sit here and say yes, I could do it.  I am not always as sure of my mental state to run the full race.  Every Sunday, just like this week, I have to train my mind to believe that I can run this race.

Finally the way that I know it is getting close is the number of people asking me about the race.  All of the sudden I know that it is getting close because people are asking me about my training and how my running is going. I really do take it as supportive. I know that when I run on November 21st I will have all of Team Nat running with me in spirit. It does make me think about the race more when people ask but let’s face it, that is all I am thinking about these days anyway!

Week 9 total for those counting at home is 27 miles. I skipped a run this week because I was feeling a bit sick and run down on Tuesday.  Let’s hope for a good and healthy week!